Rated 5 out of 5
Jul 7, 2023
I had to use them a bit first. They hold nicely and are very comfortable. I used them gardening landscaping and brick laying and some light auto repair. They perform amazing for all that there is. Not a single complaint.
Daddy diy
Rated 5 out of 5
Jul 7, 2023
The gel padded areas amplify comfier to a whole new level! I enjoy the hard rubber / plastic fronts because they help to reduce sliding around and they protect the surfaces they come in contact with. Also, the quick-release top strap is very convenient for taking breaks and wear.
Riley K
Rated 5 out of 5
Jun 21, 2023
Best knee pads I’ve ever used .
The knee pads work great and were very comfortable. The straps were easy to adjust and the knee pads didn’t mark up the flooring I was installing. With the hard covering on the outside it made it easy to slide along the floor
Rated 5 out of 5
Jun 18, 2023
I used them for a prject at home and it was amazing how comfortable they are, I really like to use them and I recommend to buy them the prohect I worked on was easier to do as the knee pads are very comfortable
Good product
Rated 4 out of 5
Jun 17, 2023
I feel the knee pads with the gel inside were very comfortabut. The only issues where with the plastic in front you cannot use it on a roof on a hot day. I did not like the straps because they kept writing down my workjeans.
Rated 4 out of 5
Jun 15, 2023
Used this knee pads once in a flooring job & the gel helps with my 8 month old ACL knee surgery, usually with my old pads I would still feel pain on the knee. I can last 20 minutes or so with this dewalt knee pads & not feel a thing. The straps dont feel to tight & they dont hurt like with other knee pads. Overall for the one time I used them they feel great, ill try to update my review once i used them more.
Rated 5 out of 5
Jun 15, 2023
I helped my buddy do some tile work. These knee pads are amazing. I have bad knees and the gel in the pads made them so comfortable my knees didn't ache after being on them for about 4 to 4 and half hours. Wish I would have had them sooner. My buddy actually tried them on and went and got himself a pair.
Rated 5 out of 5
Jun 4, 2023
They work and feel comfortable.
This product is awesome accessory. I love how they fit and that they dont slide down. I put in a fish pond and spent alot of time using them. The top strap need not be buckled when moving around. The gel makes them super comfortable. Other brands always slip down and end up hurting.
B Kroeger